Sutton Law Firm

Divorce Tips for Women

Jul 2, 2023 @ 02:27 PM — by Debra Sutton
Tagged with: Divorce Tips

Divorce Tips for Women

By Debra Sutton


Divorce, while or whether necessary, is a material change.  Facing the uncertainty of financial support, the division of assets, and timesharing considerations for children can be overwhelming.  At the Sutton Law Firm, our attorneys are experienced and are client-focused in their approach to these interests.  The attorneys and staff carefully listen to the priorities and concerns of each client, tailoring a planned course of action unique to each client.


For many women, divorce means the loss of stability and increased concern for the children.  Due to these realities, it is important that women have experienced legal representation to fashion a plan and to achieve the results to enable the family to move forward.  These divorce tips for women in Lakeland, St. Petersburg, and Bartow, FL can help.


Prioritize Self-Care.

Take care of yourself.  Self-care is crucial during the challenging times occurring.  Focus on activities that bring you joy.  It does not have to be expensive or take a lot of time.  Sit on the porch and read a magazine, walk the block, have lunch with a friend, meditate, have a healthy meal, anything that forces you to have some ‘me’ time.  Set a daily alarm on your phone or watch to remind you.  This will give you more strength and a clearer mindset to make decisions and to assist your attorney in representing you.


Communicate Openly with Your Children.

Just as you are concerned, children often feel helpless and confused.  Maintain open lines of communication.  Assure children they are loved, and that the separation is not their fault.  Listen to their concerns and answer questions honestly, in an age-appropriate fashion but without drawing them into the litigation.  Set boundaries and continue to be consistent with the children’s routines and expectations.  Maintain the household rules and do that possible to maintain stability as the family transitions to a new phase.


Engage in Effective Co-Parenting  

Effective July 1, 2023, Florida enacted a presumption that a 50/50 timesharing schedule is in children’s best interests.  This is a rebuttable presumption, and related to which serious consideration should be undertaken.  One factor in this process is the geography between the parents’ anticipated post-divorce residences.  It is essential to commit to a co-parenting plan that will prioritize the well-being of your children.  Aim for an open and respectful communication with your ex.  Work to establish consistent rules, routines, and expectations for children in both homes.  Keep discussions centered around the children and their needs rather than scoring points in the personal conflicts with the ex.


Take Control of your Finances.

Divorce can significantly impact your financial situation.  Gather all relevant financial information, including bank statements, tax returns and asset documentation.  Create a realistic budget.  Look for proof of any pre-divorce financial planning or diversion of marital assets.  Consider consultation with a financial advisor or forensic CPA.  Work closely with your lawyer to set expectations early on to best meet your financial obligations.


Invest in Your Personal Growth.

A divorce often creates a time of uncertainty, but it can be an awesome opportunity for growth and self-discovery.  Take time to invest in your interests, education, to explore new hobbies, and reconnect with friends and your support group.  Consider whether there are classes or a new career interest that is now available to you.  Set future goals with clarity.  Use these decisions to assist in crafting a divorce settlement consistent with the goals set.


Seek Qualified Legal Advice.

Consulting a skilled divorce attorney who specializes in family law is crucial.  The attorney can guide you through the legal process, explain your rights, and help you understand your options.  This valuable advice can make a meaningful difference on child timesharing, division of assets, and formulating support to ensure that you can make informed decisions that protect you and your children.


Schedule a Consultation at Sutton Law Firm.

If you are considering or dealing with a divorce, it is important to have qualified legal counsel by your side.  To learn more about how our divorce and family law attorneys can help, please call our law firm at (863) 262-7188 or contact us on line.